La Sard
Dnes je: 22. 10. 2024 svátek má: Sabina

The main problem of feeding horses is firstly the lack of knowledge about the horse's true needs, then it is too much interest in the price and not enough in the quality and nutritional value. Also tradition and habits of some "old hands" at horsemanship or aggressive marketing attacks are certainly not the right guidelines for a responsible owner and breeder.
The knowledge in the field of animal nutrition has very much advanced during the last fifty years. Therefore the argument of some breeders, that their horses are being fed as horses always have been and that they don't need anything more, cannot stand. Just to compare, there was an enormous progress in the entire animal industry, especially in the feeding industry, where the consumption of food per unit of production has decreased by more than 50% during this period.

Several good reasons to use La Sard mixes

1. Presence of nitrogen bodies
2. Presence of energy digestible for horses
3. Presence of fibre and its composition
4. Presence of elements and microelements and their form of supplying
5. Trials in performance and top sport and in leading studs
6. Freedom of mutually replacing and combining different mixes
7. Post-trade services

1. Presence of nitrogen substances
La Sard mixes do not contain more protein than necessary and they don't put pressure on the horse's metabolism by containing too much ballast substances and metabolites. All nutritional indexes of these mixes stay within the optimum nutritional limits.

2. Presence of energy digestible for horses (DE)
The sufficiently high levels of energies digestible for horses in La Sard feeds, optimal for each specific category, help prevent the usage of protein as a less suitable source of energy. Energy is supplied not only in the form of different types of sugar with different times of release into blood and therefore varying in ways the horse's body uses them, but more of it is also given in the form of fat and digestible fibre.

3. Presence of fibre and its composition
The higher contents of fibre, digestible in the vast majority, increase the retention of water and electrolytes in the gut. That positively influences the intestinal micro flora and the bodily state along with the supply of electrolytes when the horse is under pressure, be it physical, physiologic or environmental. Higher doses of digestible fibre are an important prevention of colic, catarrhs and lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and laminitis. Furthermore, but not lastly, fibre is an important source of energy that doesn't irritate the central nervous system.

4. Presence of elements and microelements and their form of supplying
The levels of elements are such that when following feeding directions and recommendations it is not necessary for healthy animals in normal conditions to receive mineral supplements. La Sard mixes contain zinc and copper in chelate (organic) form which makes these elements much more usable. Therefore they put less stress on the horses and the environment.

5. Trials in performance and top sport and in leading studs
All types of La Sard mixes have been tested by demanding buyers with excellent results in sport, breeding and schooling. Some of the best known clients are Zoltán Toth, Gabriela Staňová (show jumping), Sabina Erbeková (eventing), sisters Korešová, Karolína Lišková (western riding), Jaromír Široký, Martina Drásalová (endurance) Veronika Jelínková, Jakub and Tina Šalk (pony), Světlana Mazáčová, ing. Harald Seehuber (breeding of A1/1, owner of leading stallions like Rainbows for Life, Look Honey), Children's' riding school Řícmanice, Prosper Horse Ranch.

6. Freedom of mutual replacing and combining different mixes
All types of La Sard mixes are fully combinable. During a change in workload or needs, La Sard feeds make it possible to pass safely, easily and quickly to a different La Sard mix or indeed a combination of mixes more suitable for the horse in a particular period of time without the danger of lack or excess of nutriments and of possible digestive problems.

7. Post-trade services
Our services don't end with the sale of our feeds. We offer our clients advice and help with the composition and tailoring of their horses' ideal diets. We can also adjust individual types of mixes and batches corresponding to specific needs and requests.

Our recipes are founded on the research results and on reccommendations published by the company KER (Kentucky equine research, ).

Articles on horse nutrition :
     º Digestive tract and technique of feeding
     º Dictionary
     º Division of feeds
     º Fodder
     º Hard feeds
     º Feed mixes
     º Nutrition during gestation
     º Nutrition - foaling, lactation


January 2013
Realization team La Sard wishes its satisfied current and future customers Happy New Year 2013

říjen / Octomber 2012
Spouštíme anglickou verzi našich webových stránek. Přejdete na ni kliknutím na britskou vlajku v pravémm horním rohu. / We launch the English version of our website. Go to it by clicking on the British flag in the upper right corner.

May 2012
18. května se naše jezdkyně, Martina Drásalová, zúčastnila významného závodu SAIC v Jihoafrické republice. Článek o její účasti (a dalších 8 českých jezdkyň) si můžete přečíst zde. Zkrácená verze vyšla také na webu »

January 2012
Představujeme Vám aktualizovaný leták krmiv a výživových doplňků La Sard.

Octomber 2011
Na stránce JO La Sard jsou doplněny podrobné informace k našim koním.

February 2011
Zahajujeme prodej plodu Ostropestřce mariánského, léčivé byliny ze středomoří. Po dokončení poloprovozních krmných testů uvedeme na trh krmný doplněk La Sard SyliVit Force.

November 2010
V měsíci listopadu bylo, po úspěšném prověření v krmných testech, uvedeno nové bezovsové, nízkoenergetické krmivo La Sard FUN s velmi atraktivní zaváděcí cenou.

January 2010
31.1.2010 spouštíme novou webovou prezentaci krmiv La SARD.

Věříme, že Vám pomůže v základní orientaci v potřebách Vašich koní i produktech, které na ně navazují. V případě zájmu nebo nejasností nás neváhejte kontaktovat. Vaše dotazy, náměty, požadavky a připomínky nebereme na lehkou váhu, jsou pro nás vítaným zdrojem inspirace a rozvoje, jsme za ně vděčni. Vždyť nejenom Mistři jezdí na La SARD.